The Case for Contracting Out Your Marketing Automation Position

MHDG Staff Marketing Automation, Operations

Marketing Automation is a complex category within digital marketing that spans across Lead Generation, Lead Nurturing, Sales, Operations, and Support. The platforms have wide reaching integrations, can contain deeply technical needs, and can have so many complicated features that even the biggest platforms offer certifications to demonstrate someone’s ‘expertise’ with their platforms. That being said, Marketing Automation isn’t always a …

Segmentation Tip: Tag Your ‘Only at a Discount’ Buyers and Clients

MHDG Staff Operations

As much as we may not like to admit it, most of us have those products or services that we only buy at a discount. With a few of us being avid golfers here at MHDG, we’re guilty of stocking up on golf balls, gloves, and other accessories once a year during the end of the season sales event, and we have a pretty good sense of when that takes place and when we should go looking for that sale. While there aren’t any global statistics that indicate what percentage of shoppers are like this for a given industry, it’s something worth identifying for your business.

On Choosing the Best Marketing Automation Platform

MHDG Staff Marketing Automation

When you’ve made the decision to pursue a marketing automation platform for your business, you’ll immediately be thrown into paralysis of analysis, trying to evaluate an overwhelming amount of options out there. There are dozens, if not hundreds of tools available, every one of them doing whatever they can to get in front of you and win your business. On …