What’s a good revenue per recipient on the Klaviyo Performance Dashboard?

MHDG Staff Email Marketing

When used in tandem with engagement metrics like open rate and click rate, revenue per recipient is a solid KPI to strike the right balance between a healthy email database and one that drives strong revenue. It’s the link between the two ends of that spectrum that every email marketer needs to pay attention to in order to be successful in the long term with email, and can help you dig out of deliverability holes and cut down runaway email volume.

The Klaviyo Performance Dashboard Guide

MHDG Staff Email Marketing

Each of these metrics is helpful in evaluating how successful your email and SMS program is in Klaviyo, but to understand how to improve it, we need to understand what all of these metrics actually mean in context.

In this blog post, we’ll share key information on the basics of the dashboard, but we’ll also share a few things to think about for your specific Klaviyo account as they pertain to each metric.